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Combining the energetics of sun-loving Lemon, Mandarin, Orange, Neroli and Rosemary, this Sacred Space Spray is designed to cleanse, clear and protect a space or energy field by raising and re-attuning lower vibratory patterns to the frequencies of joy, vitality and calm.


It is made in small batch, in ceremony, using sound frequencies and a solar and crystalline infusion process to really activate the original energetics of each plant spirit.


The spirit of Lemon is very cleansing and purifying. It helps to lift the mood, bringing vitality and clarity.

The spirit of Orange is nourishing and joyful. It enlivens and enriches, offering feelings of safety support, comfort and joy.

The spirit of Mandarin is sweet and playful. It nurtures and encourages us to let go into our fullest expression. It is warming and vibrant.

The spirit of Neroli is heart-opening and deeply peaceful. It brings trust and expansion.

The spirit of Rosemary is cleansing and protective. It is potent and direct, with a grounding action.



The combination of these energies creates a fascinating scent profile. It uplifts and calms, it soothes and invigorates. It brings light and the feeling of readiness and ease. It gives me the feeling of being in the sun, a sense of all being well. The sun’s photons have travelled through each of these plants to create their unique energetic signatures. These light codes carry with them the templates of Joy, Creativity, Peace and Love.


This spray is intended for use in a space or energy field. Avoid contact with eyes. There are no preservatives or alcohol added. Use within 6 months.


Seek medical professional advice for safety of essential oils use during early stage pregnancy.

Solis Sacred Space Spray

Next batch: SUMMER SOLSTICE 21.06.23
  • 100ml Glass Amber Bottle containing:

    Orange Flower Water, Witch Hazel, Blend of Essential Oils and Quartz crystals.

    Made in ceremony, to further harness the energy of the sun and activate the energetics of each ingredient.

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